Friday 31 March 2017

April Fool - ha ha!

A poem from 1991
I have to admit that I was wrong
- somewhere along the line
I miscalculated
I never expected to gain you
- so I could never lose you
and I figured
that I had nothing
to lose if I said, “I love you”.
But I was wrong.
I lost hope
I lost myself
I fell away into the deep divide
between life and death.
I have no tangible hope
no way forward
except to live each dreary day
in the wish that God
will one day change things

I was wrong
- I didn’t expect “yes”
- I didn’t expect “no”
to be so devastating.
I was waiting for it with a knot in my stomach.
It came
it greeted me
it hit me
it threw me
pushed me away
out of the game
out of my religion
out of my reading
out of my talking
out of my rational thinking
out of my mind.

I was wrong
- I underestimated the power of rejection
- I underestimated the power of not being loved
and of not
having the chance to love.
The power of denial
can be evil in this art
it can destroy you
grind you into uncountable pieces
change your countenance
your words
- then you see her face
and she can’t look you in the eyes
and there’s nothing to talk about
for there’s no point in making things worse
- and you see her face
- and you wish she’d change her mind
- and you see her face
- and you see she’s not making fun of you
- and you see her face
- and you see she’s hurting, too
- and you see her face
- and you can’t live without her
you can’t live with her
- and you see her face
- and you don’t want to hurt her
you really want to kiss her
but you’ve no hope
no chance
you’re lost
I’m lost.

I wish I could say
“I don’t care”
but that were untrue
I would deceive myself
the truth is not in me
it remains outside
in the cold, night air
wanting desperately to come inside
vying for position
(against the armies of Satan
against damned misfortune)
seeking me as it’s home
- but I can’t fight
- and I saw her face
- and I lost myself
- and I saw her face
- and I broke down inside
- and I saw her face
- and my words had to force themselves
through my throat
- and I saw her face
- and I was sad
- and I saw my face
- and I wasn’t surprised
at her response
- and I saw my behaviour
hers too
and I knew she couldn’t cope
- she played safe when she had the chance
but I am dangerous
I am detached
a body walking without a future wife planned
she didn’t want me
and now here I am
- devastated
and drowning.
I was wrong.

This happens each day
to countless millions
but that is no comfort to a dying fool
who disobeyed his master
his king
and who gives serious thought
to further ways of disobedience
who sees her face
and doesn’t know whether to rejoice
or be sad
to go quiet
or be loud to get her attention.
The fool said, “there is no hope”
even though the source of all hope
is in him
the source of joy in all abundance
the river of life, of everlasting peace which no longer seems to flow.
How many friendships must be lost
until true contentment raises it’s head?
How many times must a man laugh
before he offends his God
like a hypocrite
who’s too messed up to care
to share
with those who might be able to help?
Who cares?
Doesn’t time heal?
Don’t scars disappear?
Don’t cuckoos fly backwards in the summer?
Let me wait
give me time
to see
if times brings the answer.

Thursday 30 March 2017


A poem from January 2017
On my face a smile
A happy frame
A wave of the magic wand
All the better to fool you with

Up internal pain
Pretence all is hunky-d
I couldn't any more agree
All the better to befriend you with

Smile will sometimes fall
Slimy chameleon am I
But I mean no harm
I try to be loved
Or at the very least liked
Is that too much to ask for?

Appear in my exterior
Wearing away over time
Can you see the strain I'm under
All things to everyone
It's a hard game is this
Fitting in

In the cracks
The tears
Making up
The lies
In the foundation
Radiant contoured glow
Bright red smile
Applied creating fake lips
A clown
Shoulders down
Hunched over
Will this madness never end?
Weary weary soul
I died behind the mask
Who am I any more
Confidence destroyed

Like me!
Like me!
Like me!

Tuesday 28 March 2017


A poem from January 2017

Ayurvedic tea
Tasty mumbo-jumbo

Sunday 26 March 2017

Evil Genius

A poem from January 2017

Speech is free
As long as you agree
With me

Friday 24 March 2017

They Come, I Go

A poem from 1991

They come
they see
they conquer me

They talk
at times they show interest

The male world comes
and wins
sweeps me away

They come
they see
they conquer me

How am I to find a friend?
Or am I not to bother?

I realise
the lesson

The ray of hope
crushed in the teeth of reality

Thursday 23 March 2017

Aqueduct Tape

A poem from January 2017

Watch me perform it on YouTube

We cannot talk
Can barely whisper
Prowl unseen
In darkest corners
Lions, seeking to devour
Verbal undertakers
Coffin makers
Nailing shut the lid of yesterday's daily expression
Undemocracy bleating sheepy-wolves
Unopened opinions sell by data
Murderous cadavers of the common man who is no longer worth saving
Unregenerate interference in our daily breadfast
Insane intermediate dilution
The Word made fractured
In a glass darkly arts candles black the night
Impart hound dogma
From every pore impressed homeopathic morality
Monopoly crushes dissent oh under pariah
Flabuse freedom in the net
Destroy alternatives
You hate you harm you look down you knows nothing
Rosy reputation winter freeze frees no one
Under your thumby echo echo echo
Spent we slowly seek redemption
Unfriend destructtape aqueduct tape influence must wash away
In floods of good old fashioned days returning golden

Monday 20 March 2017

I Am Baby Bear

A poem from 2016
Daddy Bear drives at 60 in a fifty zone
Mummy Bear drives at 40
I am Baby Bear, staying as close to the limit as traffic conditions allow

Daddy Bear gets blind drunk most nights
Mummy Bear doesn't touch a drop
I am Baby Bear, enjoying the odd tipple in moderation

Daddy Bear loves white water rafting
Mummy Bear stays at home
I am Baby Bear, never doing anything dangerous but I'll watch it on the telly

I am Baby Bear
I never do good things
I never do bad things
But I have a secret Daddy Bear and Mummy Bear know nothing about

I am Baby Bear
I am Goldilocks
That's my alter ego
My guilty pleasure
I like to dress in girl's clothes sometimes
I wear a golden, curly wig
I suck on lollipops
You can call me Shirley if you want
You can come and play with me if you want

I play tricks on Daddy Bear and Mummy Bear
Eat their porridge
Sit on their chairs
Sleep in their beds
Once I almost got caught
I had to go into the forest
Drug and kidnap a little girl
I liked the way she smelled
And she felt so soft
I put her in my bed and played my tricks
I timed it so she'd be coming round when we discovered her, the culprit
*Malevolent grin*