Saturday 28 May 2016

Hey, Jude!

A poem from 1985...

Hey, Judas
Suburban terrorist
You sold your master for thirty silver coins
Hey, Judas
Lowly traitor
Sold the Saviour
Signed His death warrant
Sealed it with a kiss.
Hey, Judas
Siding with Satan
Is so dangerous
Now you hang from a tree
Mourn, Gethsemane.
Hey, Judas
You repented
Gave back the money
Said you never meant it. Too late.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

A Mild Form Of Confusion

A poem from 1989...

Watch me perform it on YouTube

she comes into my life for such a short time
but I immediately feel something within me
wanting to be with her
wanting to see her face looking at me
and to see her lips talking
her voice speaking to me
wanting the impossible to happen
but with me even the possible things are impossible!
I like the way she stares at me and smiles
even though it’s a bit embarrassing

such a short time
what’s the point?
Maybe I am reading the newspaper of her face
but missing the real point of each story

Lord, have mercy on me!
Because I find this emotion wholly illogical
and so it throws me into a mild form of confusion

in so short a time she will be gone
and then I’ll never see her again
so this short episode will be over
leaving me

if only for once it would all work out right
but is that what I really want?
Of course it all works out for GOOD
but does it all work out right?
The GOOD here is an objective reality
planned by God,
sent to me in a subjective package
but what is right in this case
is my own subjective desires
which are not always so aware of all the factors as God is

o, Lord, may this situation not be wasted
but please let it work out for good

Saturday 21 May 2016

Shopping City

A poetic parable from 1991...

We walked through modern
Shopping city
Looking into windows
Window shopping
In shopping city

Reduced prices
Still expensive
That's the harsh reality of
Shopping city

This is our day
This is our lives
Window shopping

People told us
"Look above the shops
See the beautiful architecture
Of past centuries
Before shopping city"

I didn't believe
That there was anything before
Shopping city
I couldn't look up
To see if it was real
If the past
Related to the present -
That would be irrational
Let the past be the past
We should live in today's
Shopping city

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Ode To Nobody

A love poem from 1985...

Watch me perform it on YouTube (no, that picture is not me *smiles*)

The tender love that shines forth from your unsuspecting eyes falls down upon my joyous heart on tender unfelt love

The sweet aroma of your radiance penetrates my coldest moods transforming those painful feelings into a warm valiumnate calmness

the aesthetic face that is sculptured from the purest pearl

The warm eyes of marble that shed their stony gaze and become a paradox to enlighten my ignorant heart

The precision of the nose chipped into a wondrous union

The tender youthful lips that will always taste the mortal enemy

The hair like strands of finest gold-spun yarn

The perfect statistician of the bodily proportionate confirm the contours rising and falling in a wave of love

The smooth skin as tender and warm as a silk cloth on a radiator

The gentle hands that caress a million everyday objects, perhaps never to caress my soul

The legs as white as snow unblemished by a tarnished world

I give myself to you and your seductive romance for I am like the rose and you are like the honey bee

And I am like the honey bee while you are like a rose


Question: Can you guess the object of our lonely hero's affection?

Monday 16 May 2016


A poem from 1989...
Watch me perform it on YouTube.

I feel lonely

I feel rejected

am I selfish? My motives could be

if I try to do or say anything

I am misunderstood.

They don’t listen - or they won’t listen

this is ridiculous!

Singing praises to God and

extolling brotherly love,

when in practise it doesn’t happen like that.

The enemy, of course,

wants to drag me down

at such a time as this.

The only way out

is to face up to the situation

and come out of the other side,

then laugh at Satan

because when I reach heaven

he can’t get at me any more,

and Christians will all be perfect there

Needless to say, this is not very joyful! Sometimes perfectly innocent situations and conversations can push us "over the edge". We can be so caught up in ourselves and think people are against us, are hypocrites. We see the worst in people when the problem is in us. It is necessary to get out of this mindset sooner rather than later. Instead of expecting others to meet our needs, we should recognise that the world does not revolve around us. Instead of expecting everyone else to be perfect, we should remember that, like us, they are but dust. We need to cultivate an attitude of mercy and grace, both to ourselves and to others. We really do need to love ourselves in order to love others fully.

Wednesday 11 May 2016


This is a poem I wrote in 1985.
Watch me perform it on YouTube.

I was a slave
and my master was the world
he led me in his wicked ways
knowing no better
I followed him.
He snapped his fingers
and I jumped
he raised his gun
and pumped me
full of death.
Life poured out from the holes
he tore in my heart
so  I was too weak to fight.
Resistance was useless.
I sinned
and thought that it was good.
A preacher came to the camp telling of a better way
and his words
were like a candle in a dark
dark room.
He spoke of a great Liberator
who would free me from my bondage
for all eternity.
Yet surely I could not be saved
from such a lowly
place as this?
I waved good-bye
to my hopes
but I kept on listening
because I liked the preacher
and enjoyed his words.
The preacher left
and bereft of my friend
the world took up my chains again
and told me to act
in his evil pact
and I did
though grudgingly
as I thought of the Liberator.
The preacher came a second time
and saw that I was falling further
into confusion over his message
so he explained again.
And I decided to follow him!
He baptised my head in holy water
and my soul in Jesus Christ
whom I believe is the Son of God
then I thrust Satan out
and let Jesus in
to my heart.
I felt released
and looked down
my chains flew off!!
I ran away with Jesus
and the preacher held my hand
It was dark
but I could see
for the Holy Spirit guided me.
The world was furious with me
but I just hid in the Rock
and the world passed by
a slave no longer am I!

Galatians 5:1 - "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."