Monday 31 October 2016

Pottery Classes

A poem from 1986
I saw the clay before me
spinning round and round
but she didn’t get dizzy
I splashed water upon her
and with my fingers
I moulded her soft body
into a multitude of designs
when I had finished I sat back
and admired her beauty
her very being there worshipped me
and I saw that it was good
upon her earthy surface
I drew a man and a woman
sitting in the shade of a giant appletree
I had been working for an hour
and so I went to make
a cup of coffee
ten minutes later I returned
and noticed that my creation
was gone
in her place was a serpent
laughing at me
so I picked it up
by the tail
and cursed it
and threw it out of the window
I immediately installed
an electric burglar alarm
to make sure that it wouldn’t come back

Saturday 29 October 2016


A double acrostic poem from 2016

Pitter patter
Cerebral inertia
Grabbing at my body, soaking limbs in numbness, I
Suffer sentient deprivation

Rationality sways
Again I come back, again
I drift
Nice you are, dripping sanity and nonsense in turn

Thursday 27 October 2016

Pale Shadow

A poem from 1990 - a psalm of lamentation

I used to be an aspiring warrior,
a theologian -
a rock.
I used to be in love,
I used to be certain
- unstable

Who are you?
Who are you to ride on my horse?
Are you me?
Are you who I used to be?
Who is now the shadow
and who the identity?

I used to be dressed in armour
- I seldom cried.
I hid in the One who is higher than I.
Now I only talk to my father
and do not feel the relationship that we have.

Who are you?
Who are you to throw a blanket over reality?
Are you me?
Are you who I used to be?
Who is now the truth
and who the poor man?

Sunday 23 October 2016


A cinquain poem from 2016

Love you
At least, I would
But it's impossible
The way that our lives have panned out
Oh, sigh!

Friday 21 October 2016

Local Newspaper Photographer

A poem from 1986

what did you do
to warrant a place in the news
you raised a cheque for ninety p
and sent it to a charity
and the local newspaper photographer
wants a picture so all can see
the smiling face with gormless grin
the flashy pose
and “look how wonderful I am” badge you wear
upon your swelled up chest

you won a competition
so you’re showing off your prize
with a sickly-innocent smile on your face
while pride lives in your eyes
and the local newspaper photographer
wants a picture so all can see
and give you something to show off about
while sharing evening coffee

this is a song for cynics
but one thing that I must say
as I notice our MP and mayor
5 or 6 times a week
to seek
a friendly air with the electorate
I don’t believe that everyone
wants their picture shown for pride
but when the local newspaper photographer comes
I’m sure it’s hard to hide

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Sunday 16 October 2016

O! Bless The Man

A poem from 1985

O! bless the man who is left carrying the can
O! bless your heart
the sneezing is about to start

Friday 14 October 2016

Mood Music

A poem from 2016

A kind of background music
Not to my taste
Blending into life
Poisoning everything

Like an earworm
Annoying thoughts pop up
Over and over
Repetition, causing deviation and hesitation
Leading to procrastination

Now a new normal
Low mood
Constant companion

Shafts of hope!
Flashes of light!
I see the tunnel has an end!
Momentary brightness!
Momentary lightness!
More serotonin please!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

A Few Nights Ago

A poem from 1990

A few nights ago I dreamt about you
but you were fat
and you said you didn’t want me
but when we hugged
you made me feel so warm
and I didn’t want to let go
because I fell into a trance
                in your arms.
You had aged by ten years
                while I hadn’t
                and this was your excuse.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Brilliant White

A poem from 2016

Angel of light
Brilliant white
Star of the dawning
Crowned with glory
Perfect, beautiful fire

Angel of doubt
Kicked out
Brilliant white
Turns nicotine yellow
Fallen crown
Cast down
Shadow of night

When we first met I thought you were wonderful
It seemed to me you could do no wrong
Soul mate
We were so in love
Joined at the hip
A couply couple
I saw only joy and laughter in your eyes
I felt that electricity as hands held and lips touched
I thought I knew your every thought
Two hearts breathing as one
Radiant love
Glow and glow
Then time opened my eyes
You were not who I thought you were
Bitter words tortured
A roaring lion devouring
Faults exposed
Sparks flew as affection died
I don't even like you any more
Split apart
Painful tearing
Heart beats faint
Fire is out
Embers dying
Eternal death