Friday 30 September 2016


A poem from 2016

Watch me perform it on YouTube...

I just stand there
Afraid someone is watching
Wanting to talk to me
I am motionless
I can't do anything
A rabbit caught in the headlights
I freeze
Nervous inside
Nothing happens
Time stands still

And that, dear friends
Is why I always use the cubicle
And never the urinal

Wednesday 28 September 2016

I Didn't Do It

A Poem From 1990

Do to others, as you would want them to do to you.
I didn’t bind up the broken-hearted,
I didn’t even look to see if they were wounded,
when I did - I left someone else to do it.
Now that I am broken-hearted,
no-one is binding me up.
I didn’t proclaim freedom for the captives,
I only cursed them for being so stupid as to become captives.
Now I am a captive,
no-one is proclaiming freedom to me.
I didn’t proclaim release from darkness for the blind,
I only criticised them for not seeing.
Now that I am blind,
no-one is proclaiming release for me.
I didn’t proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour,
I only proclaimed the Law,
I only played the Pharisee.
Now that I need it,
I do not see it,
except as a theological concept.
I didn’t comfort those who mourned,
I didn’t provide for those who grieved,
I didn’t pour out on them beauty, gladness and praise.

Now I see who cares for me
Now I see who notices that I had gone
Now I see how little I care
Now I see how poor I am
Now I see how I am reaping what I have sowed
Now I see the need to change.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Sometimes I Am

A poem from 2016

Sometimes I am cheese and pickle
Sometimes egg and cress
Sometimes I am BLT
Sometimes ham and piccalilli
Sometimes I am corned beef
Sometimes chicken and sweet corn
Sometimes I am prawn cocktail
Sometimes tuna mayonnaise

On very special occasions
I am brie and grapes!

But always always always
I am on a roll

Sunday 11 September 2016


A poem from 2016

Monkey monkey
Chatter chatter
I wanna be like you
Oo, oo!

Constant in my brain
Voices like mine
Oh, that thing you said yesterday!
Oh, that thing you're doing next week!
Oh, what if the house burns down?
Oh, you don't feel well!
Fear mongering
Room closing in
Heart thumping
The shakes

Whirly swirly
Stuck in a loop
Dragging down

*Fingers in ears* La, la, la!

Deep breaths
Count to ten
If I can make it that far….

Oh, body
Oh, mind
Monkey monkey
Chatter chatter
Who will rescue me from this mind of death?

I will, said that pill
I will, said CBT
I will, said mindfulness
Servants of the Lord, blessed small t trinity

So chatter chatter monkey monkey
I'm no longer listening
Do your worst
Or cooperate with me
I know your game now
I know how to beat you
I've won the war

And relax...

Friday 9 September 2016


A poem from 1986

the sun is shining in my heart
one beat away
you sat
in a tea shop
it was raining in the streets
but eating date and walnut cake
and drinking assam tea
and speaking on religious matters
raised a few eyebrows
and we got stared at from an adjacent table

before the teashop were supermarket images
and daylight faded
and I cried in frustration to the wind

Ely Cathedral
fine old building
many a day’s worship she must have seen
but silence is still
upon the minds
of those suspicious followers of rules
who cannot bring themselves to Christ

descend this path to rise again
to free this museum of finely-crafted love
where people care
to shelter here
from the rain of Ely town
to bring these walls a-tumbling down

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Another Song About Trees And Flowers

A poem from 1986

Here’s another song about trees and flowers
sitting in the garden but I didn’t know where I was
building up a barrier
defying all the love that you had given me
under the oak tree I sat and schemed
I didn’t know where this plan was leading me
seduced by the power of success and fame
I only wanted to build up my own name

Here’s another song about trees and flowers
sitting in the garden building ivory towers
shooting my imagination into the sky
never thought to ask why things were bad
in the world
whatever happened to my promised girl?
All those around me finding easy love so easy
but the Tower of Babel’s falling down
and I find that we’re talking a different language

Days passed
I’m wasting away
what can I find to do today?
Turn to the Bible, see what God has to say
Jesus loves you and He’s coming back some day

Here’s another song about trees and flowers
sitting in the garden, just discovered where I was
turned from the path of self-destruction
removed the crazy paving and replaced it with a straight road.
The Tower of Babel has fallen down
that’s why we’re talking a different language.

Now I don’t care about fame
I don’t care about success
I just want to glorify Jesus’ name
I’m going to do what He says because He knows best
The Tower of Babel has fallen down
that’s why we’re talking a different language.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Nothing To Say

A poem from 1993

I write
banal and without niveau
to keep low
to uninspire
those uneagerly awaiting
what I do not have to say
To hold on
to what?
To whom?
but yet shouting
in the night
not sleeping
driving me
beyond faith to doubt
to question
who is right
who is wrong and why.

Where is this promise?
I await in blindness
in the only hope that remains
to see
to feel her
and all that I didn’t expect

What is good?
What is big?
What is wrong with me?
What is the next step?
Wait to see the new city.

Friday 2 September 2016


A poem from 2016

Long lost forgotten friend
Dim memory
Did I ever actually know you?

After years of yearning
You popped up
Like a fairy tale

We met
I love you
So glad to have been found by you

Fun sponges
To steal you
To kill you
To destroy you

But I will not listen
I will not let them
Take you away
Or part us
We are one
You are so precious to me