Thursday 28 February 2019

Proxy War

A poem from 2019

A star cast down from heaven
Seething, full of anger
Watch out, happy world
That fire is subtle danger
Await another star
A baby in a manger

Fury, fury, time is short
The child chased into the desert
Slaughter, murder in the town
Blood soaks the soil
Rachel cries, why did this befall her?

Let’s kill the son and heir
The world will be ours
The world is not enough
Eliminate all who get in the way

You use the wrong words
You think the wrong thoughts
You pray the wrong prayers

Tortures devised to change minds
Broken bodies laughed at

These sorrows are for his sake

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Our Lady

A poem from 2019

I’m sure I saw an aphid in there
Hankering after the tastes of youth
Sin’s delights were ten a penny

A cloud of not knowing replaced
Spotlessness too quickly stained
The blood dripped noisily from vein

Sweet, Holy Virgin let me stay
Sorrow for me, who once took flight
Lost and hurt and crucified

Now nestled in your bosom, praying
In everlasting folded arms, safe
Resting, eternally a child again

Thursday 21 February 2019


A post from 2019

Snap out of it!
What’s wrong with you?
You have so much going for you
You’re young
You have your whole life ahead of you
What do you have to be depressed about?

“Depression doesn’t need a reason.”

Wednesday 20 February 2019


A poem from 2019

He’s there up above you
You can’t see him
But everyone thinks he’s out to get you
A beady eye
Watching and waiting for the right moment
To pounce

Oh, but they’ve got him all wrong!
He doesn’t want to hurt you or eat you
He’s protecting you
He wants to play with you
He wants to love you

Monday 18 February 2019

Aspect Ratio

A poem from 2019

No, no, no!
You’re doing it all wrong!
It’s no wonder you can’t see the bigger picture!
You’re not looking at it right!

The blackness around the edges
It’s encroaching
The view is skewed, stretched, squashed
It’s enslaving

No, no, no!
The remedy is quite clear
Adjust your settings, UHD pending
Glorious super colour crystal clarity awaits

Thursday 14 February 2019


A poem from 2019

Hearts afraid at the water’s edge
Keeping themselves to themselves
Unable to take the plunge
Scared of the demon obstacles
Unprepared for the fight

The distant resting place remains

Tuesday 12 February 2019

The Old Man's

A poem from 2018


The old man’s prostate
Makes its presence felt

Monday 11 February 2019

Have Your Say

A poem from 2018

Stand up and shout
Sit on the floor and scream
Force them to listen
(In between their laughter)

You are a pumpkin
Hollowed out
A permanent grimace
The light extinguished

Friday 8 February 2019

I Don't Do Frenetic

A poem from 2018

I’m lying down
Weary limbs
Anxiety conquered
Doped on antidepressants
And all the pills they foist on you once you reach a certain age
And it’s actually quite pleasant
Not rushing around
Head not in a million places
But I wouldn’t mind a bit of excitement from time to time

Thursday 7 February 2019

Things You Need To Know

A poem from 2018

A whole lot of stuff
You’ll never know
It’s out there
But we’ve hidden it away

Tinsel, wrapping paper and bright lights
Pretty, shiny, dazzly things
Grab your attention
Consumers are we

Always something new
Something cool
A way of distracting us
Eternity obscured

Tuesday 5 February 2019


A poem from 2018

Here's a video performance...

A meaningless rhythm
A message in a bottle
Words made up of letters
Skies made up of stars
Birds made up of feathers
Where did our logic come from?
What inventions has man made?

Can you hear me?
Can you hear my cry?
It happens in darkness
When cold comes and ruins sleep
My back breaks
I am frozen, stuck to the sheets
Salty tears flow as death hits the world

Can you bring us some peace on earth?
Can you take the guns and the knives
The bullets and the bombs
And melt them into something useful?
And how about the human heart?
Is there something you can do about that?

Friday 1 February 2019

Glass Half Empty

A poem from 2018

You win some
You lose some
But mostly you lose some