Wednesday 31 January 2018


A poem from 2017

Two hearts beating as one
To a slightly different rhythm
For a slightly different reason
An evil intent?
Or the will to survive?
To make the best of a bad situation?

Enemies enemies friends
Conquerer occupied resistance
Oppressors enablers terrified
The compromises
Can you bear it?
The special treatment
The hope to stay alive

What happens when good men do nothing?
What happens when good men go bad?
Who wins?
Who wins now?
Who wins in the end?

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Safe House

A poem from 2017

Listen to an audio performance

When can I unsee the things I’ve seen?
When can I unspeak the words I’ve spoken?
When can I undo the deeds I’ve done?
When can I unbe the person I’ve become?

Take me to a safe house
Take me and hide me
I’m being stalked and I’m afraid
He is always lurking in the background demanding to be fed

Watching and waiting to strike me
To smash me in the face
To pin me to the ground
I hate him, he’ll be the death of me

Tears run down behind my eyes
Dripping past my heart into my toes
Still I present the “I’m okay” facade
Nobody must know, nobody must know

Can I ever escape?
Will this be life forever?
I’m not to blame because I’m no longer me
I am this evil twin inside of me

Monday 29 January 2018

Malted Milk

A poem from 2017

I'm just so tired
This crunching feeling hard wired into my body
It takes hold and won't let go
Eating me

Drooping eyelids of my brain
Life on the wane
Squeezing imaginary muscles
Awake, sleeper, awake!

But I don't want to wake up
I want to sleep before I die
I want to dream of cows grazing in fields
Because counting sheep is so last century

Saturday 27 January 2018

Adverse Camber

A poem from 2017

It's deep within
The slight, hidden danger
Of tipping over
Always defending myself
It wasn't my fault
I'm not to blame

A sign within
Something isn't right
I'm close to tears
Set me on the straight road
Stabilise me
Navigate me
From glory to glory
Face to face

Even things out
Give me a fighting chance
Destroy that bend
Destroy that bent
Destroy that sin
Destroy and save

Thursday 25 January 2018

Seeded Jesus

A poem from 2017

Wafer thin Jesus
White bread Jesus
Wholemeal Jesus
Seeded Jesus
Sourdough Jesus
One Jesus
One Body
One Saviour
One Church
The same Jesus
In the sacrament
Under the sacrament
Really present
One Bread
We are One
We are One
Because of One Bread
Take and eat
We remember
We remember You died
Until You come
We remember
We will never forget
With the faithful departed
One Body gathered
We remember You
We will remember
Until you all come

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Want A Lift?

A poem from 2017

I'm walking back from town
A guy in a red car winds his window down and asks
“Want a lift home?”
I tell him, “No, I want to walk’
He pulls a gun and points it at me
Saying, “You don't understand.
I want to give you a lift”
I tell him, I understood him the first time
And waving a gun at me doesn't stop me wanting to walk home
He looks panicked
I've clearly seen his face
And I'm not playing the game
He doesn't know what to do
I don't know what to do
What should I do?

Monday 22 January 2018


A poem from 2017

She glared at me as if to say
What's wrong with wearing pyjamas and dressing gown in the supermarket anyway?

Saturday 20 January 2018

Whisky Chaser

A poem from 2017

Well ain’t you a feisty little thing!
I feel the burn
You make me feel the burn!
There is no escape for you
This is a sealed room and guess who has the key
You are easy to catch
You are no match for me
I am much bigger than you in every way
So get down on your knees and be a good girl
You needn’t bother screaming
We are all alone
And don’t think you can tell anyone about this
It’s our little secret
Nobody would believe you anyway
My word against yours I will always win
I am respected and I could slap you down and make your life hell
I would kill you and don’t think I’m joking
So just cooperate and it won’t hurt

Friday 19 January 2018

Beautiful You

A poem from 1994

I’m so in love
but I don’t want to force myself

I’m so in love
but so unsure
of your stare

Can you possibly
be interested in me
when you are a living paradox?

Or was I sitting in the happy chair?

I love your face
I love your smile
I love you

I’m just so sorry
that this poem
doesn’t do you justice

Thursday 18 January 2018

Cat Litter

A poem from 2017

The toxic waste products of being human pour out from me
It's a strain but it's not a strain because it comes too naturally
Oh, the shame! The shame!
The smell, the smell, the offence, the tears
It stinks! I stink! A foul smell in your nostrils and mine
But here's the marvel
With you there is forgiveness
You absorbed my sins in your body on the cross
You gave me a new fragrance
You set me free
Your life for mine
A divine swap
A living sacrifice
A happy ending

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Silhouette People

A poem from 2017

They are in hiding
They only come out at night
A happy family of darkness

They howl at the moon
They scare passers by
A global conspiracy

You can't tell what they're thinking
To be honest, you wouldn't want to
A horror movie


I look in the mirror
To my disgust I see no reflection
I don't even cry about it
This has become my normality