Wednesday 26 June 2019

Bring Me The Head Of John The Baptist On A Platter

A poem from 2019

How dare you tell us what to do!
To prison with you!
To prison with you!

How dare you teach us right from wrong!
To Hell with you!
To Hell with you!

How dare you tell us we are wrong!
Off with your head!
Off with your head!

Image by Simedblack on

Tuesday 25 June 2019


A poem from 2019

She would scratch and bite
Squeeze you with all her might
Blood - a pint a day
She can walk tall

A wonder pill solves her disease
Vaccinate against a world of holes
Supplement your safety valve
She can walk tall

She will break down
This is inevitable
The human condition
She will lie in the grave

Take mother’s milk into the earth
A blinding darkness awaits
This is sadness, this is fate
She will lie in the grave

Monday 17 June 2019


A poem from 2019

Breaking up
It's hard to do
Yet some make it seem easy
As if nothing else matters than ego, I, me, myself
Splitting off
In search of a new thing
A play thing
This is not a warm heart
It's a cold, inner climate
A man, an island
A serial offender
A skeleton
A hole
A rip
A tear

Image by alpha-cruiser on pixabay

Friday 14 June 2019


A poem from 2019

Houses built so tall that reach up to the clouds, the very heavens
Machines invented that fly around the world further and faster than birds
Rockets propel mankind to the moon, a giant leap
Telescopes watch the world begin in glorious pyrotechnicolour
In a fraction of a second, thoughts speed across the globe
Infinitesimal fragments of life’s DNA decoded and corrected
And so it could go on and on

But still no invention to stop crime
But still no invention to stop lying and cheating
But still no invention to stop greed
But still no invention to stop exploitation
But still no invention to stop hatred
But still no invention to stop bullying
And so it could go on and on

Monday 10 June 2019

Two Hearts

A poem from 2019

Two hearts hung out to dry
Their love was martyred
Side by side, tears in eyes
Connected to the vine, dictator defied
Psalms were sung and praises rung
While many scoffing looked on
Spirits were not broken
Bravely they looked ahead
Their souls remained alive
When all rejoiced to see them dead
And now they cry out, “how long?”
And are daily joined in this plaintive song

Image from rkit on Pixababy

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Dark Mazda

A poem from 2019

Everyone hangs on the words of the village idiot
He forever contradicts the world and himself
Contrarian to a fault but it doesn’t dent his popularity

Minds made mush
Deceiving hearts followed
Humanity does a handstand
Blood rushes to the head
Dizziness and nonsense rule
Eyelids do not blink

Who are the new extremists?
Why, the people who hold to tradition, of course
Hearts are worn on sleeves
Everything is inside out
You choke on the vomit of society
It is so self assured and lacking self awareness

(Image by aitoff on Pixabay)

Monday 3 June 2019

Killing Immigrants

A poem from 2019

We are friends
You are my brother
You are my sister
I wish I could do this out of the goodness of my heart
But a man has to live
And I have to pay others
Then there’s overheads

Your life traded for your life savings
Think of the land of milk and honey
Of money for nothing
Of handsome, friendly locals
They will take care of you
A house, cash, a job, freedom

Under cover of darkness
You don’t know who’s watching
I am sacrificing myself for you, my brother, my sister
My fine boat - she is my pride and joy
Set sail
Fair winds and Godspeed

And if you don’t make it
If you drown
What is that to me?
I have your money
I hold hope in my hand
I can spin tales with my slippery tongue
I have plenty more waiting like you

Image by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay