A poem from 2019
Big kahuna, riding the big wave of positive thinking
Without blinking living in a cosmic bubble
He thinks, and so he is - bundle of energy
Karmic parasite, feeding on reincarnated psychobubbles
Happy Universe, it’s on his side
Pantheist particle, non-anthropomorphic speakers
A canvas blanked fate create paint his picture
Patterns of imaginary buttons pushed to no effect, it’s all (mis)interpretation
Light, a pretty light, magicked pretty image into being
Magnetised magenta spectacles tinted rose
Confident, love money learn the art
Sweetness is she love of his life
Think imagine magic money tree abundant
Glass palatial sees the thirteenth eye
Not greedy just wanting more and more in peaces
Cream and peaches vanity no mirrors no image no dark
She sits alone and cries, as an adult it never goes away
Led by her uncle when they were all alone
He begs on streets in the hot city as cars drive past
Throwing dust into his face on this, his cardboard home
Her baby hasn’t eaten for days as flies go in and out its open mouth
Dying, a dictator embezzles all the money, Swiss bank account
Sitting at the bus stop, minding his own business, engrossed in a smartphone
Along comes a spider with a kitchen knife and plunges it into his stomach
Bombs fly overhead as land grabs progress
Direct hit, bodies dismantled in a millisecond of mess
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay