Monday 31 October 2016

Pottery Classes

A poem from 1986
I saw the clay before me
spinning round and round
but she didn’t get dizzy
I splashed water upon her
and with my fingers
I moulded her soft body
into a multitude of designs
when I had finished I sat back
and admired her beauty
her very being there worshipped me
and I saw that it was good
upon her earthy surface
I drew a man and a woman
sitting in the shade of a giant appletree
I had been working for an hour
and so I went to make
a cup of coffee
ten minutes later I returned
and noticed that my creation
was gone
in her place was a serpent
laughing at me
so I picked it up
by the tail
and cursed it
and threw it out of the window
I immediately installed
an electric burglar alarm
to make sure that it wouldn’t come back

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