Saturday 1 October 2016

She Said A Prayer

A poem from 1985

In a
little apartment she lays
on her own
very quiet, still waiting for
evening to come.
Yet, as she asked herself, if
only she could find
u, there would be a greater purpose to life.
Just then
evening arrived
softly touching her mind.
U knocked on the door
so, reluctantly at first
she invited you in.
Her first thought was how calm she became
even though you were a stranger then.
She closed her eyes
and knelt down
in accordance with the things she’d learned as a girl.
“Dear Lord Jesus...”

She swept away her tears
in relief.
No more empty days
no more a wasted life.
One thing was clear
more than any
Really believing in what she had done, she
even closed the door on death and opened her heart
To life

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