Thursday 3 November 2016


A Blank Verse poem from 2016

I scan the caustic words you’ve written down
Outraged I want to smash you in the face
You’re so self-centred, smug, you think you’re great
Your bile spews out, you’re baiting for a fight
Ravage your wicked heart in cold combat
My words reach out and grab you by the throat
We tussle over ether then collapse
Dread overwhelms my soul, I cry, I cry
Oops, I did it again, I got involved
In mad, moronic war that was not mine
The dark remorse descends, now I resolve
Subsequent imbeciles to leave alone
Emotion must o’ercome bleak, grinding gloom
Anew I start, I blow black clouds away
I subjugate the s(l)ap that seems to rise
Depart the self-destructing paths I paced
Deep breath, calm mind, arouse compassion high
Inside pray bitterly for enemies
Feign kindness till it germinates new life
Retreat from confrontation for Mind’s sake
And so the world turns if I speak or no
And so dim-witted, insubstantial noise
Vanishes into black holes of raw wind
And see, the universe grinds ever on

1 comment:

  1. I'm of a different school
    That does't change that this is a well written expression
