Wednesday 5 October 2016

Black Vignettes

A poem from 2016

Watch me perform it on YouTube...

I am obsessed
Like a dog with a bone
That only I can see

Everything is good or bad
Everything is black or white
There is no inbetween

Whatever doesn't kill me kills me
Every setback is disaster
Failure and catastrophe dog me

You said one thing I disagree with
That makes you evil
And I hate you
And no matter what you say
I know what you really mean
I don't trust a word


One thing leads to another
And all of them are bad
No hope for the future
Every scenario fights against me
And only me

Everything's about me
What strangers say
Talking about me
Subtext after subtext
I'm calling the thought police!
Fat lot of good that will do, though
They're all useless

Yes, I know you think you're good
I've seen the good things you have done
But that one thing I disapprove of
Outweighs them all

I trash you
Because you have no feelings
And this makes me feel better
Well, not really

I am depression
I am social media

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