Sunday 27 November 2016


A poem from 2016

Come over to my PleasureDomeTM
Fertile ground, virile ground
Gardens of D-lite
The likes of which you’ll never see in Boringland
In Virtueland
You dolt! What are you waiting for? Here!
Six dozen whores or more
To treasure you
To caress you
To bless you
In bloody blood red

Cross over, cross over
Push you, shove you
*sighs* This should be easy!
Everything weighted in my favour
Odds stacked
Small inner voice smacked out of the ball park
No match for me!
I decree
Demon-lovers a plenty
Only a halfwit would resist
You see me through a mist
I offer you a stardust haze
Narcotic blaze
Crystal maze
Sugar craze
Poison (hey! That slipped out)
Forget I said that *bashful grin*

My song!
My symphony!
Moonlit sultanas
To please your ear
You can’t hear
Till you get here
What? Fear! *guffaw* *sneer*
That’s keeping you away?
Come, play
All the livelong day
I won’t say
A thing
To those you think are listening
I haven’t got all day! *checks watch* *crosses fingers* *leers*

You make it sound so good!
You make it sound so fine!
I wonder if I could?
I wonder if they’d mind?
Will I be the same?
Will I be ashamed?
Sounds so – tempting
Hey! What’s the Hell I am missing?
It’s my life anyway! *harrumph*
I’ll do what you say *hurray*
Open the gates
Enough of waiting!
I’m diving in!
I’m driving in!
Full speed ahead
Hormonally sped
Alive or dead

*through bushes, over brambles, scrambled, flesh, torn, bled*

Brighter colours I see!
Smells I never smelled!
Flavours I never tasted!
Bye, holy moly nicey wicey traitors *wave*
New friends now
Dragging me along
Rushing me away
I won’t resist
Savour this bliss
Siren’s kiss
The edge
I pledge
To live life on
To give myself
To it all

The world
My oyster
My plaything
My everything!
My all-I-need
My greed
Tried it all

Yes, I denied myself nothing my eyes desired
I refused my heart no pleasure
Anything I wanted I took
And it was putty in my bruised royal hands
It all turned to fool’s gold
And I grew older
And wearier
And more tired
And I saw it was all a waste
Never enough
Never ever enough
The colours faded
The fragrance a stench
Tasted bland
Milk of Parodies gone sour
Deflated me!
Little dogs laughed to see such fun
Mocking me
Despising me
Licking my sores
*Loser! Loser!*
The brink
The abyss
Headlong I fall

Who will rescue me from this body of death?

1 comment:

  1. What happened? (is the thought) What an ending.
