Thursday 22 December 2016


A poem from 2016

Watch me perform it on YouTube...

Worry - yes, I know you well
You imagine the worst
The tyre that bursts
The pipe that floods
The day that breaks
Catastrophe spilt everywhere
What a mess!
Who will clear that up?
Not you, you're sweating too profusely
And your hands are shaking
And you're procrastinating
Making this imaginary disaster worse
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
That's your heart beating
What if it stops?
Can you do first aid?
Give yourself the kiss of life?
Who will look after the wife?
Tick…. Tick…. Tick….
Playing with you

It's ok to take the bull by the horns
It's ok to make a decision
It's ok to realise that worry is not real
It's ok to be sane
It's ok for things to work out fine
It's ok to live without a fuss
It's ok to live!

1 comment:

  1. This may work - If nothing else, it was fun.
    and well written
