Sunday 18 December 2016

Depression Unfinished

A poem from 2016
I am calm now

I get easily irritated and don't know what to talk to her about
Dwelling on negative thoughts
I inhabit the world of my own mind
It's easier there
I can control what goes on - not

Will this constant tiredness never stop!
Sadness, gloom, misery, dismay!
I exposed myself
To minus thoughts, to annoyance
The fragile peace shattered
Into splintery pieces which do not shine

I have an innately unpositive view of myself
Nothing's going to change
But I'm more relaxed at the moment


  1. Nothing's going to change - But I'm more relaxed at the moment
    A key

    1. That is the key - a glimmer of hope which the depressed one can't quite believe.
